Posts in Assignments


Pakistan’s  Biennial Transparency Report

We have been commissioned by UNDP to provide technical assistance in documenting Financial Support Needed and Received,[…]


Green Customs Strategy

The USAID-funded Pakistan Regional Economic Integration Activity (PREIA) Project has commissioned us to develop a Green Customs Strategy[…]


Urban Resilience in Balochistan

The Balochistan Rural Support Programme (BRSP) has engaged us for developing a concept note on urban resilience[…]


DRRS Feasibility Study & Institutional Analysis for Pakistan

The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) has engaged us for the feasibility study and institutional analysis as part[…]


Case Study & Policy Briefs on Planetary Healthcare Workers

We will develop a case study and policy briefs on integration of the Spatial Monitoring and Reporting[…]


GB Climate Adaptation Plans

In continuation of our similar work in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, WWF Pakistan has commissioned us to develop[…]

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