Project Reports

These reports have been disclosed publicly by the respective clients; hence, can be downloaded by clicking the thumbnails and referenced by adequately acknowledging the proprietary rights.

Green Customs Strategy

Completed under the USAID-funded Pakistan Regional Economic Integration Activity (PREIA), the Green Customs Strategy for the Federal Board of Revenue offers action agenda in the area of climate change risk management, environmental sustainability, global trade, customs procedures, trade practices and public sector rules and regulations. It further aligns with the global Green Customs Initiative and adheres to international environmental benchmarks. It is aligned with the objectives set by the Basel, Rotterdam, Stockholm, Minamata Conventions, Montreal Protocol , CITES, and others multilateral environmental agreements.

Balochistan Climate Change Policy

The Balochistan Climate Change Policy (BCCP), approved by the provincial cabinet in June 2024, was developed by a dedicated team of dev~consult and UNDP through an extensive consultative process. The Policy sets the direction for Balochistan’s efforts to cope with the climate change challenge. It also provides guidance on climate actions and resourcing the policy actions.

Regional Development Plans for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

The Regional Development Plans for the Greater Peshawar, Greater Abbottabad and Swat regions were jointly developed by the Asian Development Bank and the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa under technical assistance supported by the Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction.

The plans capture  a strategic multi-sectoral plan that identifies the comparative advantages of the three regions and a 25-year investment plan for the component cities. The RDPs prioritise key sub-sectors, including water supply, environmental sanitation, solid waste management, tourism, cultural heritage, smart city, urban green spaces and amenities, other municipal services, and urban mobility and regional connectivity. Emphasis has been made on key drivers that promote sustainable urban and economic development.

The RDPs also explore interventions that benefit from economies of scale or interconnectivity. The RDPs consider cross-cutting areas such as corporate or business planning, data and indicators, human resources, procurement, safeguards and budget planning and management. Special attention has also been paid to the urban poor, women’s participation, and measures to address income and gender inequity. The RDPs assess the spatial and demographic land use and identify investments for urban areas within the region.

The plans are prepared through an extensive data analysis and consultative process by a joint venture of SaafConsult, The Netherlands and the dev~consult, Pakistan.

PPAF’s Environmental & Social Management Framework

This is 6th edition of the Environmental & Social Management Framework (ESMF) of the Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Framework (PPAF) to follow safeguard policies and protocols of IFIs and provincial environmental legislation.

Economic Empowerment of Women Home Based Workers & Excluded Groups in Pakistan: Evaluation Report

Commissioned by the UN Women, the end-project evaluation and a case study of the Economic Empowerment of Women Home-based Workers and Excluded Groups in Pakistan was concluded in November 2020. The evaluation report has been published by UNW and was rated by an external assessor as ‘very good’.

Tribal Decade Strategy 2020-2030

The Tribal Decade Strategy (TDS), followed by an Accelerated Implementation Plan (AIP), was developed as a long-term vehicle of economic growth in the newly merged districts (erstwhile Federally Administered Tribal Areas) of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. As part of a multidisciplinary team, Hamid Sarfraz contributed a chapter on forestry, environment and wildlife.

PPAF’s Balochistan Strategy

The Balochistan Strategy, prepared by the Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF), focuses on sustainable development measures for the people of Balochistan. Aiming at reaching out to entire province, the Strategy proposes multiple options for public-private partnership and fund generation. PPAF intends to implement the development options based upon its solid foundation of social mobilisation and institutional development.

Case studies on climate change adaptation

The first set of case studies—Local Indigenous Adaptation Practices in Mountain Areas—focuses on climate change adaptation practices by the communities in the northern Pakistan. The second set of case studies—Best Practices in Climate Change Adaptation—looks into the national level best practices regarding adaptation to climate change. These studies were commissioned by the Rural Support Programmes Network (RSPN) as part of a project—Rural Livelihood and Climate Change Adaptation Programme—implemented jointly by RSPN and ICIMOD, and financially supported by the European Union.

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan

The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, through GIZ, assisted the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in developing the biodiversity strategy and action plan for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Guided by the processes prescribed by the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, the process entailed an extensive series of consultations across the province; support to the KP Biodiversity Working Group; design of a biodiversity outlook as web-based knowledge hub on biodiversity; assessments of biodiversity conservation needs and capacities; and, finally, preparation of the biodiversity strategy and action plan for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

The provincial targets for conservation and sustainable management of biodiversity were aligned with the national as well as Aichi Biodiversity Targets, linking the provincial efforts to global conservation efforts. The strategy and action plan is helping the province to plan and implement measures ensuring integration of concept and value of biodiversity across agriculture, livestock, fisheries, forestry and wildlife sectors.

SDC School Reconstruction Programme 2011-2016 — Project Completion Report

The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) implemented the School Reconstruction Programme (2011-2016) after disastrous floods of 2010, under which SDC supported reconstruction of 25 new school buildings and rehabilitated 60 schools. This helped bringing back around 13,000 boys and 3,000 girls to the schools. Based on the review of programme documents, field visits, and interaction with the relevant stakeholders, the Project Completion Report captures the best practices and challenges in implementation of the programme.