A renowned social scientist with 47 years of experience in teaching, research and writing. He is PhD in Sociology from University of Kent at Canterbury. He taught at the University of Balochistan and worked as consultant on numerous development projects in Pakistan. He possesses vast experience in social surveys, research studies, participatory rapid appraisal and situation analysis; project planning and project preparatory technical assistance; transitional and long‐term social investment planning; project impact assessments and evaluations; social protection studies and poverty and social assessment; social safeguards in EIAs for mining, oil and gas exploration, transportation and power transmission lines; land acquisition and resettlement planning; rural development and community participation approach; and organisational development, project development, capacity assessment and development.
He has worked with EU, ADB, WB, USAID, UNDP, CIDA, GTZ, SDC, IUCN, ICIMOD, oil & gas exploration and mining companies, and INGOs. He has worked in Nepal and UK while have visited South Korea, Thailand and Philippines.