An eminent forester, environmentalist and expert in the field of range and watershed hydrology, sustainable forest management and biodiversity research and conservation. His other areas of interest are integrated water resources management with focus on glacial hydrology, climate change & REDD+, highways and urban forestry & landscaping, project formulation, implementation, monitoring & evaluation, good governance, building high performance teams and professional report writing. He holds a PhD degree in range watershed management from USA and a master degree in environmental sciences from the University of Peshawar (PFI) and certification in forest dynamics from UK.
Dr. Nasim has worked with the KP Forest Department for more than three decades. He is highly reputed as a mentor, technical expert and an exemplary administrator. He is target oriented person and always believes in quality. He has worked with USAID, UNDP, FAO, SDC/IC, DHV and WB. He has been a guest speaker at various universities and civil services academies. He has a number of publications and reports to his credit and he has represented Pakistan at forums like Society of American Foresters, RECOFTC, IPCC and NRI Greenwich, UK.